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Class Newsletter

Third Grade Newsletter

August 13 - 17


This week we will be teaching the class rules and procedures. Please make sure that you stress to your child the importance of following school rules and procedures.  In third grade, we do a lot of group work. Therefore, we will have lessons on how to work in a group, taking turns, and the importance of being kind and respectful to everyone. There is a no tolerance policy at NWUE for bullying.


Your third grader will  be taking several diagnostic tests this week.  There is a diagnostic test for ELA (English Language Arts) and a diagnostic test for math. These tests cover skills that were taught  in second grade. Each test has 3 sections, and we plan to administer one section per day.starting Tuesday, Please do not stress over these tests or stress your child out!  We will not give grades for these tests. These diagnostic tests help teachers determine which skills need to be taught.


Reading - Paper Based ELA Diagnostic Assessment, Project Read Phonology Diagnostic Assessment.


Spelling - Study words at home each night.  Spelling Test on Friday!


Math - We will begin our first lesson on Friday.  The 1st module in third grade is multiplying and dividing friendly numbers.  Don’t forget to complete and return daily homework.


Science - We will begin our “Forces and Motion” unit this week.


Social Studies - We will begin Unit 1: What makes Louisiana Unique?


Spelling Words


bath hobby than damp bottle


trash flock pocket flap lots


Please be sure and send a jacket everyday because sometimes the classroom is chilly.  Also, please be sure and send a snack or two everyday in case your child doesn’t eat the lunch we have that day.